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Human Resource professionals visit HR World Today to find information that is relevant to them; ensure details about your company are easily discoverable - submit content to

Submission Categories:

  • Articles (self-authored).
  • News (Events, awards, press releases, etc.). Visit sample post.
To submit under the following categories - Advertise at HR World Today:
  • Company Overview (Corporate information - products & services, offices worldwide, contact information, corporate social responsibility, etc., with logo). Visit sample post.
  • Management Profile (Executives, Directors, HR Managers, and others, inclusive of headshot).
Contact Information: Email, and thereafter call Allan at +91-9867474090 (2 p.m. to 9 p.m. IST - Check Time).

Note: It is mandatory to provide introductory information viz. company name, contact person, full address, country, email, website, and phone number along with the submitted content. HR World Today reserves the right to approve or reject any submitted content. Once published, content would not be deleted, unless provided with sufficient reasons.

Criteria for Submission: HR World Today is a worldwide Human Resources web publication. People who read HR World Today have different social backgrounds, education and industry-views. Hence, it is important to make your article understandable to a diverse audience. Assume readers are reading your work to learn, and that they know nothing about your subject of expertise; the article needs to fully explain the same.
  • Each and every submitted article must be the original work of the author/ company.
  • All material, derivative or otherwise, based upon pre-existing works must be attributable/linked to a reliable, published source (stating the original author's permission).

The blog post title plays a significant role in determining how your article would be indexed, searched, found, and read. Ask yourself, how would an Internet user go about "searching for this topic?" The keywords he/she would type via Search Engines? Include those search keywords and frame a
TITLE that gets talked about, in 8 words maximum. A good title/ heading would also make it easier for other authors to link to your article.


1. The first paragraph must summarize the most important points of the article; preparing the reader for a greater level of detail that follows.

2. The following paragraphs should be short enough to be readable, but long enough to develop the introductory idea (Q. My article grows past the amount of readable text? Ans. The article can be broken up into a number of smaller articles to improve readability).

3. Illustrate the article with relevant pictures, and position them appropriately, where they relate closely to the text they illustrate (Format - .JPG, .GIF, max. width - 500 pixels).

4. Include web links to external information that add meaning to the subject (do not go overboard, to link the same repetitive term several times).

5. Believe in your subject and inform experts as well as help readers with no previous knowledge on the topic, to acknowledge the importance of the subject matter.


Every article at HR World Today is connected to a network of other articles. Establishing such connections via tags/labels enables interconnectivity, thereby categorizing a collection of randomly accessible, highly interlinked articles; for better searching and easier grouping.

How to write an effective article?

A good HR World Today article,
  • Is written by an individual (academic, professional or otherwise) who - holds a position of authority in the subject of Human Resources, and reflects expert knowledge, based on logical facts (cited from reputable sources) and sound scholarly reasoning. He/she introduces, thoroughly explores, and describes the subject and its significance, clearly and accurately.
  • Includes essential information and terminology, without requiring significant reading of other articles (on part of the reader); is understandable by both, experts and non-experts.
  • Follows standard simple, clear writing, including correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
  • Includes relevant images - including maps, graphs, and photographs that adds to the reader's understanding of the text.
Founder say: "No one is perfect. But with a little help from friends, we can be good at what we do."

Spell Checker:

Internet Dictionaries:
  1. Wiktionary
  2. Chambers Reference Online
  3. AskOxford
  5. OneLook
  6. Websters Online Dictionary
  7. American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  8. Dictionary of misspelled words
  9. WordNet Search - a large lexical database of English

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