Gifts, Donations - HR World Today

HR World Today has no sponsors, nor a particular business model. The weblog is an independent news publication; anticipating that the valuable information it provides to the human resources community will result in significant contributions to keep HR World Today steady-and-strong.

As you would expect, the blog requires resources to operate (internet, electricity, and related expenditure). Acquiring these resources costs money, consumes time, and demands a lot of effort.

Pledge your support for HR World Today,

1. Good Books make Great Gifts: I love reading books, especially those that educate, inspire, and delight. Brand new, second-hand or off-the-shelf of a scrap dealer – it doesn’t matter so long as the book is in good condition, without any missing pages.

2. Finance-onomics: Money makes the world go round. Keeping in-tune with the aforesaid saying, donations via Paypal (ID: or by means of bank wire transfer would be greatly appreciated.

3. Gadgets: My most desired gadget would be an easy-to-carry laptop (for normal use, not the expensive ones).

4. Anything that pleases you (in order that it pleases the receiver too, don’t hesitate to email me at before sending).

My postal address is available upon request.

I do understand that gifting an object creates a social obligation on the receiver to reciprocate. But isn’t a gift meant to be free; something that does not require anything in return? Therefore, I expect your gift to be a voluntary act of compassion, as I continue to publish HR World Today as free news publication, for the world to read and stay informed!

Thank you for your support,

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